03\/06\/2025 - $40 Million for Special Education Funding<\/a><\/div>
03\/04\/2025 - Alzheimer's Education Programs and Events in March & April<\/a><\/div>
02\/28\/2025 - Medicaid Reimbursement, Free Tax Help, and Lowering Your Car Insurance<\/a><\/div>
02\/20\/2025 - Adult Education Students Visit State Capitol<\/a><\/div>
02\/14\/2025 - Expanding Benefits to State Employees Killed in the Line of Duty<\/a><\/div>
02\/07\/2025 - Waterbury Man Inducted into CT Veterans Hall of Fame<\/a><\/div>
02\/05\/2025 - New Kid Governor from Waterbury!<\/a><\/div>
02\/03\/2025 - Apply Now For Women-Owned and Child Care Business Grants<\/a><\/div>
01\/31\/2025 - Upcoming Alzheimer's Education Programs and Events<\/a><\/div>
01\/27\/2025 - Holocaust Remembrance Day<\/a><\/div>
01\/10\/2025 - Start of New Session & Legislative Resources<\/a><\/div>
01\/06\/2025 - Happy New Year & New Laws<\/a><\/div>
12\/24\/2024 - Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!<\/a><\/div>
11\/27\/2024 - Happy Thanksgiving & Small Business Saturday<\/a><\/div>
11\/19\/2024 - Honored and Grateful<\/a><\/div>
10\/11\/2024 - Wishing You a Blessed and Meaningful Yom Kippur<\/a><\/div>
10\/02\/2024 - Celebrating Rosh Hashanah<\/a><\/div>
09\/04\/2024 - Upcoming Alzheimer's Education Programs and Events<\/a><\/div>
08\/09\/2024 - A Win for Waterbury<\/a><\/div>
08\/07\/2024 - Sales Tax-Free Week is August 18-24<\/a><\/div>
07\/29\/2024 - Upcoming Alzheimer's Education Programs and Events<\/a><\/div>
07\/19\/2024 - Sixth Straight State Budget Surplus<\/a><\/div>
07\/08\/2024 - FDA Approves Kisunla for Treatment of Alzheimer's<\/a><\/div>
05\/13\/2024 - Supporting Our Seniors<\/a><\/div>
05\/06\/2024 - Early Childhood Care and Education<\/a><\/div>
04\/29\/2024 - Helping Support Our Disabled Veterans<\/a><\/div>
04\/22\/2024 - Happy Passover<\/a><\/div>
04\/19\/2024 - Cracking Down on Street Takeovers<\/a><\/div>
04\/04\/2024 - Upcoming Alzheimer's Education Programs and Events<\/a><\/div>