02\/07\/2025 - February 7th Update - PURA Wants to Hear from You, Legislative Priorities, CTDOT Mobility Study Open House, and More!<\/a><\/div>
01\/31\/2025 - Public Hearings Next Week & How You Can Testify or Submit Testimony<\/a><\/div>
01\/27\/2025 - January 27th Update - Legislative Town Hall, Coffee Hour, Addressing Homelessness, UI Rate Case Comments Sought, VITA Tax Prep, and More!<\/a><\/div>
01\/09\/2025 - Legislative Town Hall, Opening Day, Committee Assignments, and How to Get Involved<\/a><\/div>
12\/30\/2024 - New Laws Effective January 1, 2025<\/a><\/div>
12\/24\/2024 - Happy Holidays!<\/a><\/div>
12\/12\/2024 - December 12th Update - Student Loan Reimbursement Program Roll Out, Fairfield Roundabout Ribbon-Cutting, Trumbull Needs Volunteer Coaches, and More!<\/a><\/div>
12\/10\/2024 - Energy Forum TONIGHT in Trumbull<\/a><\/div>
11\/26\/2024 - November 26th Update - Energy Forum in Trumbull, FPD "Click It or Ticket," Small Business Saturday, A Christmas Carol: The Musical, and More!<\/a><\/div>
11\/14\/2024 - November 14th Update - Wrong-Way Detection System Installed on I-95, Burn Ban Remains in Place, The Emmy Goes To...and More!<\/a><\/div>
10\/31\/2024 - October 31st Update - State Bond Commission Approves Funding for Fairfield, Outdoor Burn Bans in Place, Upcoming Veterans Events, and More!<\/a><\/div>
10\/18\/2024 - October 18th Update - Early Voting Starts Monday, Fairfield Restaurant Week, Trumbull Fall Festival, and More!<\/a><\/div>
10\/04\/2024 - October 4th Update - New Laws, Fairfield Beaches Open to Dogs and Horses, Trumbull Celebrates Restaurant Week, and More!<\/a><\/div>
09\/20\/2024 - September 20th Update - Electric Forum in Fairfield, Remembering September 11th, K9 Jagger Retires from FPD, and More!<\/a><\/div>
09\/11\/2024 - Why Are Electric Bills So High & What Can Be Done? Join Us Tuesday for an Energy Discussion<\/a><\/div>
09\/05\/2024 - September 5th Update - Remembering September 11, Paulie's Push Visits Fairfield, Trumbull Arts Festival, and More!<\/a><\/div>
08\/20\/2024 - August 20th Update - Electric Bills, Protecting Yourself from Skimmers, Fall & Winter Parks & Rec Programming, and More!<\/a><\/div>